Well, hello there!
Fancy meeting you here.
Who uses this word, anyway?
Some of us do. Us same folks who use phrases and other outdated terminology just because they sound right. They just do. Maybe it’s our age.
For whatever reason, it’s a good one because language these days is changing faster than gas prices in 1973. And that was pretty damn fast. I’ll keep holding on to yesterday when it comes to my language and hope you feel the same. You dig?
So who am I, anyway?
I’m a Gen-Xer, trying to keep my feet firmly grounded in a time that no longer exists.
Now, don’t get me wrong: I’m as modern as they come. I get it. I’m on social, love the latest trending Tik Tok videos, and try to keep up with the slang that the young whippersnappers change every week or so.
I’m also the mother of four, ranging in age from mid-thirties to early teens, and am a (reasonably new) very proud grandma to boot.
Yea, I’m old.
But it’s all good.
Life in the 21st century is great (most of the time)
Oh, and this is me.
And this is me circa 1971.
Yea, I know.
We all age and time waits for no one.
But could time have provided me the ability to teleport backwards and retrieve that groovy outfit I’m wearing in the above picture from the early 70s, just in time for paisley’s rebirth (with all due respect to His Worship, Prince)?
So much am I living in the past that I’m continually discussing it either online via social, via my podcast (which has been on hiatus for the past year, thanks COVID. It will be restarted shortly. I am desperate to continue living in the past by any means necessary.)
And speaking of my podcast, here’s some solid proof that my mind is elsewhere…often (queue memories of toxic yet inviting fumes emanating down elementary school hallways):
The Mimeograph Machine
So why should you subscribe?
Well, because you’re probably in sync (no, not that NSync) with everything I’ve said here, and you know all the words to The Fact of Life, Gilligan’s Island and Maude, (right on, Maude!) not necessarily in that order. You are also secretly pining a time when the phone was on the wall and had a retro ring (no choices or ringtones), work (and school) ended when you left for the day, and you couldn’t be found/tracked/bothered any time, any place, anywhere.
If you’re from Generation X or are a Baby Boomer, know all the words to Mary Tyler Moore’s TV show theme song and are able to very quickly turn the world on with a smile, this site is for you. Oh, and if you can’t stop yourself from living in the past and find yourself saying “when I was a kid” a bit too often, you’re in the right place. Heck - you could be a Millennial who has a love of all things vintage (!) and want to get in on the action. Whatever the reason, come on in and let’s chat.
Good times never felt so good. Can you dig it?
Let’s keep on keeping on!
Stay cool. Keep on being in the know. Keep on keeping on, okay??
Let’s keep on keeping on!
Stay cool. Keep on being in the know. Keep on keeping on, okay??
**N.B.** There will likely be 1970s (and some 60’s) song references interspersed in many forthcoming posts. You have been warned.**
If you’re on Medium follow me there at https://medium.com/@skempjackson.